Okay, so I think I'm getting better at remembering to blog. At least, I hope so. I can't believe there's only one week left!!!! This makes me sad. :( It seems like only yesterday I was pulling into the church with my mom thinking, "Did I take on too much? What am I doing?" But I am so glad I came. I can't think of a better way to spend my summer. My last blog will be about all the things I learned while I was here.
Monday was pretty much just a lay around/prep day. However, our sleep was rudely interrupted by plumbers drilling a huge hole in the ground RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR DOOR. I mean, seriously, who drills holes at 10 in the morning!?!?!?! Apparently there was 10+ years of build-up from the kitchen sink that was blocking the pipes, and finally one of them burst at some point, so we had to have the plumbers come and fix it. Ugh. It was horrible. We couldn't decide which was worse: nasty poo smells, or B.O. We were stuck with the nasty poo smell, and we didn't know if that was the worst smell in the history of the universe, or if B.O. was. We are still undecided. Because you all want t know what the basement smells like. Anyway, we also had to get everything ready for the team, so we got all that ready, and then we went over to Pastor Tim and Sharon's house for a chick flick night. It was so much fun!! We had popcorn and cookies.
Tuesday we went to Ford Heights again. Ford Heights has to be the best site ever!! We had 130 kids!!!!!!!!!!! God is so AMAZING!!!!!! We are talking about ownership this week, and taking ownership, or responsibility, of our actions. Tuesday was also the first day of Kid Explosion Cruise, our VBS. We're talking about relationships for VBS. Tuesday we talked about relationships with our friends. I am also in charge of crafts, which I'm not sure is the best idea. We made pirate hats and eyepatches for our crafts. It was very cool.
Wednesday we went to the Hill and had more kids than usual. It was awesome!! We are using Peter as an example. When he denied Christ, he realized his mistake and took responsibility for his actions and made it right. And last night at VBS we talked about relationships with our families. We also made little sock animals which were very cool. I made a white whale that I dubbed "Mobie Dick." It was insane trying to cut octopus tentacles!!! There were like three in each group that wanted them, and it was CRAZY!!!! But I did not cut myself this time. Last time I accidentally cut myself with the scissors.
Today is the last day of Kid Explosion Cruise, and we're talking about relationships with God. I think it will be incredible. I love seeing the kids at the altar! These kids really are special. Friday we're taking a field trip with the kids to a water park that Pastor Tim found. It is normally $10 a person and $150 to rent a pavillion, but they are letting us use the pavillion for free, and let the kids in for $5 a head. We are SO EXCITED!!!!! God really is incredible.
Thanx for the update! Looking back over your previous entries I sense a real growth in your confidence as you work with the children. I know that the kids you served these past two months have been blessed, but I cannot help but think that you have also been greatly blessed. I know that I am looking forward to your return because I believe that God has great things in store for you right her at 1AG:) Your life can never be the same, you will need to continue to move forward from here. I am so very proud of you and eagerly await your return!!! PB
HUGS!!! You need to make me an octopus out of a sock from the "lonely sock drawer" when you get home. :)
So why didn't you all get up and help clear the pipe issue;) It will be nice to have you back with us. You seem to have grown up a lot on this trip. Thanks for listening to God.
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