Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter is here, once again. The time when everyone wants there to be snow and be beautiful, but aren't too willing to have below zero weather. The time when everyone succumbs to the brilliant marketing of the cocoa companies, coffee companies, and electric blanket ads. The time when everyone is grateful (why is that spelled with the word "grate"?) to have families around, but gets sick of them by the second day. Yes, everyone loves Christmas, and they somehow manage to "survive" yet another Christmas season. You can give me the credit, or rather, God's superior judgment, because I have been praying and pleading with God to let us have a white Christmas this year. Needless to say, once again, He has given me a lot to be thankful for. A covered yard, a wonderful alley to sled down, great snowball snow, and to top it all off, a snow day. Yes, God is good. Of course, you adults out there who dread snow days because your kids will be running around driving you nuts, when they could be driving some other teacher nuts, are probably not quite as appreciative as I am. I have been ecstatic. On Thursday night I actually went outside in my sweatshirt, jeans, and boots with my camera taking pictures of it all, quite prepared to thoroughly document the first snow day.
Christmas is my favorite holiday, as you have probably already guessed. I fell asleep by the tree the other night, and will continue to sleep in the living room until Christmas night. I love everything about it. OK, maybe not everything, I hate brisket, green bean casserole, and Swedish corn pudding, so I will have a vegetarian Christmas dinner. Erik will probably disown me, but ah, well. I love the smell of the Christmas decorations, like the fake wreaths that we have, and the tree. I love the Christmas decorations that I get to put up, like the nativity sets that I, and only I, have the power to set up. But, I also had to glue on an angel's head, and a shepherd's head, and we will have to make due with two wisemen. I love shaking my presents trying to guess what they are. I have had some luck with that, actually. I guessed three or four of them. I love Christmas music, but now that it is not expressly forbidden, it's not as fun to listen to anymore. You know it's sad when you feel rebellious listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving.
The youth had their Christmas party last night, and what a time that was. From the diaper wearing to Michael being a fairy princess. That, I had to wonder about. HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE EVEN FIT INTO THAT TUTU??? That is just not even right. He has been dubbed Princess Pleh, if anyone wants to know. But we played Qwelf, and amazing game, and that was a blast, however ridiculous it may have been. I look forward to all the holiday parties, if there are people there that I feel comfortable socializing with. I do not feel very comfortable being dragged to an adult party where I sit in a corner with my siblings. So the youth parties are always appreciated. Every year I barely manage to stay awake all night on New Years. Last year, I spent New Years with one of my best friends, and we stayed up and watched Pirates of the Caribbean and ate her mom's amazing food. I stayed awake pretty well then. I hope I can manage to stay awake this year, too. I'll be at home, with a few of my friends, watching DVD's on a sheet with my mom's projector.
Winter is definitely a wonderland though. Everything is transformed. You look at the ground with awe, thinking about how gorgeous it is, and how stupid you look staring at the ground. Running around taking pictures of random places outside your house at eleven o'clock at night is fun, though. Everything about it is exhilarating. The air seems fresher somehow, and you see everything with more appreciation for the beauty that is in front of you.
This has been a fascinating look into the mind of Corrie Oberg.


Ruthie Oberg said...

I love reading your writing, Corrie! It's always so fun to "get into your mind" as you put it!

I love Christmas, too. It's always been my favorite holiday. I can't say that I love the snow but I do like being huddled up on the couch watching the news reports and just waiting to see "Council Bluffs School District" pop up on the screen. I love snow days because I love having all my kids home all day to just do a little bit of nothing. What fun!

I love the special touches you add to the decorating...and the fact that you are careful to make sure everyone's heads are glued on in the nativity and that baby Jesus is taped into his manger so he doesn't get lost.

I'm glad you're my daughter!

Hannah said...
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