Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yes--that is a real word, and it means vigor, vitality, or full of life. Recent events may have depressed our spirits, but we can have a spirit of "spizerinctum" because we have the joy of the Lord with us. I suppose a temporary solution would be to just pack up and move to a different country. But how many other countries have the freedom that we have? Not many. It just goes to show that above all else, man desires power, and to keep that power at whatever cost it comes with. The best solution my friends and I could come up with was to set up our own government in Antarctica. BUT, there was already a rule that was set up that says that no country could have total control of it. SO, there goes our plans. I suppose that moving away would not be the patriotic thing to do. We, as Americans, have a duty to our country. That duty is what keeps us free every day because of the loyalty of our troops.
One of my friends and I have created our own political party. Feel free to join us on Facebook. We are The Kidney Party. If you want to know what we stand for, there is a very brief description on the page. If you want specifics, I'll list a few for you right here.
(1) Abortion. I put this one first, because it is an issue that divides people so much anymore. We are totally against it, as it is the murder of an innocent human being, and in some cases takes two lives. I watch V and wonder how anyone could just kill their child like that. They say that a fetus (Latin for "Little One") is not a REAL human until a certain age, after birth. WELL, if you look at medical studies, heart beats and brain waves are detected at 15-20 weeks after conception. A 20-year-old has a heart beat and brain waves. Even an unborn child should have the right to have "spizerinctum".
(2) The War on Terror. We are totally supportive of our troops and will continue the fight until we have victory. If we stop the war and pull out, that's not going to do anyone any good, nor would it cause things to remain the same. If we want to keep peace, then we have to fight for it. That may seem like an oxy-moron to some, but that's the reality of war. What would have happened if America had pulled out of World War II? We don't even want to imagine it, do we? If our nation does become Socialist, then there wouldn't be much hope for anyone, and we would lose our spizerinctum.
(3) Gay marriage. We want to fight to keep marriage as God ordained in Genesis chapter 1. One man and one woman. Not two men, or two women, or one man and many women, or vice versa. Our culture has drifted so far away from God's original plans for us, that we can't even discern what is good for us and what's not. If we allow gays and lesbians to marry, there is no logical stopping point, and we would have to allow people to marry what ever they want. You could marry your dog, or the sheep on your farm. "But that would be ridiculous! Nobody would do that!", they say. Well, if that's what someone wants to do, and it makes them happy, then they should be free to do it. You can't have selective laws like that.
There are more issues that should be covered, but that's more time than even I have to sit at the computer and type. Like Ghandhi said, "Be the change you want to see." While Ghandhi had some beliefs that don't line up with God's Word, this statement hits the nail on the proverbial head. If you want to see our nation change (NOT Obama's "change") then we have to pray, and seek God's face, and start acting like we mean it.


Ruthie Oberg said...

Great thoughts and writing! I'm glad to know that I joined a party that is concerned with aligning itself with what God says about things.

But I have to ask...where did "kidney" come from?

Love the new word, BTW.

Pastor Ogre said...

I really like the word, "spizerinctum"! It could be a great name for a new Christian music group!
I really like your writing and the maturity of your thoughts. Can I join your party? I'll bring pepperoni bread! Minus the kidneys, of course (out of respect for the party name)!

Pirate_Ninja92 said...

You go, girl!!!! I, for one, am PROUD to be a part of the awesome Kidney Party!!!! We will win the election in 2012!!

Ruthie Oberg said...

Please tell Pastor Ogre that they don't put kidneys on pepperoni pizza anymore.